Aarhus Universitets segl

Motivational teaching and learning environments

AU’s goal is to provide students with an inspiring teaching and learning environment based on engaging teaching that promotes learning, with inclusive dialogue, academic supervision and supporting activities.

1. Engaged teaching

The teaching provided must engage students in relevant learning activities that enable them to master the material and develop both subjectspecific and transfe- rable qualifications and competences.

The teaching provided at AU must be based on a didactic approach grounded in the course’s learning outcome and students’ learning needs. Lecturers must make considered, appropriate choices of teaching methods based on a solid foundation of subject knowledge and pedagogical insight. For this reason, AU emphasises pedagogical competencies when recruiting academic staff, provides support for the continued pedagogical- didactic development of all lecturers and recognises teaching qualifications.

2. Support in learning processes

Through teaching and academic supervision, students must be supported in their learning processes on an ongoing basis throughout their studies.

Students must be offered academic supervision that supports reflection and supports learning while they master and work with their subject. Students must also have access to academic guidance as they progress through their degree programme, just as tailored guidance must be offered to students with special needs.

3. Physical environment must stimulate learning and well-being

The physical, psychological, aesthetic and digital frameworks surrounding academic learning processes must support acade- mic and social integration in addition to learning, engagement and well-being.

AU is a campus-based university where the physical environment must contribute to a stimulating learning and teaching environment. All students must have a wide range of options to participate in academic and social communities characterised by a focus on engagement, inclusivity and relevance. Together with the degree programmes, the directors of studies and the vice-deans for education at AU, students must contribute to creating an inclusive learning environment where the values of respect and decency support everyone in saying no to harassment, bullying, violent behaviour and discrimination.