Aarhus University Seal

High-quality, coherent degree programmes

We take our point of departure in AU's overall quality assurance policy when ensuring high-quality, coherent degree programmes for our students. More specifically, this means that we focus on the knowledge base, organisation and framework for the development of degree  programmes, with input from ongoing teaching evaluations. Read more about this on the subpages in the sub-policy.

AU’s goal is to provide degree programmes that are based on disciplinary excellence, have a coherent structure and are characterised by the integration of learning outcomes, learning activities and types of examination.

1. We will offer students degree programmes which are based on disciplinary excellence and which give them insights into the latest advances in knowledge.

At AU, degree programmes must be solidly anchored in the university’s active research and teaching programmes. Degree programmes must be developed, designed and provided in close collaboration with active researchers and lecturers with insight into the latest research. As role models, lecturers must contribute to students’ acquisition of the latest knowledge and methodology within their discipline.

2. Degree programmes at AU must be well-designed, so as to ensure that connections, progression and options appear clear and logical and so as to support students in successfully completing their programme.

The structure of the individual degree programmes must serve to motivate students and create clear connections and academic progression between the different subject areas and elements of the degree programme. There must be a visible and an understandable connection between the ECTS allocation on the individual courses and the actual workload. The aim is to ensure an even workload throughout and across the degree programme.

3. The individual courses must be designed so as to ensure clear connections between learning outcomes, learning activities and types of examination.

Teaching must support learning through varied, activating learning processes that enable students to master the subject knowledge, skills and competencies of the course. The types of examination selected must ensure that mastery of the material is assessed and student performance is evaluated fairly.

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